• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

KKN - PMM Registration

Procedure for State Service Community Service (KKN Bhaktimu Negeri)

  1. Upload the Proposal on the link provided by DPPM UMM (https://bit.ly/Proposal-PMM)
  2. After uploading, wait to be contacted by DPPM via WhatsApp
  3. Furthermore, there is an invitation for coordination with the DPPM online
  4. After that, you will get a Field Advisory Lecturer (DPL) and can immediately conduct a briefing about the planned program

Proposal Template Link: https://bit.ly/ProposalPMMBN

Procedure for Community Service on Lecturer Partners for Students (PMM Mitra Dosen)

  1. Students who have taken the Regular Community Service / Bhaktiku Negeri cannot register for this scheme.
  2. Filling in the registration form can be done by the Coordinator/Representative of the group.
  3. It is requested that the WhatsApp number listed be active.
  4. The group must publish its activities in mass media (print, electronic, or online); at the time of publication, there must be the name of the Advisor, PMM Lecturer Partner, and Name of the Group/Chairman.
  5. The PMM Lecturer Partner group proposal contains activities at the research location/partner lecturer service.

Proposal Template Link: https://bit.ly/proposalPMMBN

Community Service Program and PMM Mitra Dosen participants must publish in online media. Here are some examples of PMM Lecturer Partners publications:

  1. https://www.republika.co.id/berita/qk37ht399/umm-dampingi-pembuatan-sistem-laporan-keuangan-petani
  2. https://republika.co.id/berita/qgu0fk291/umm-beri-training-pehasilan-lms
  3. https://kumparan.com/pmm-junrejo/training-dan-pendampingan-rab-for-desa-junrejo-dari-mahasiswa-umm-1uS81Hav1Kw/full
  4. https://www.timesindonesia.co.id/read/news/362314/mahasiswa-pmm-mitra-dosen-umm-laku-pentahanan-stunting-di-tk-aba-37

 Information and Communication can be accessed through Instagram .

