• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

Student Data

The following is the data on the number of students' growth during 2018-2021


    1. Cohort (2018) 2. Cohort (2019) 3. Cohort (2020) 4. Cohort (2021)
# Study Places offered by HEI (Kuota ) 550 550 550 550
# Applicants (Pendaftar) 2367 1920 2491 2113
f 1109 1012 1300 1053
m 1258 908 1191 1060
Application rate 430.36% 349.09% 452.91% 384.18%
# First-Year Students (accepted applicants)(Mhs Diterima) 530 455 604 545
f 272 230 296 275
m 258 225 308 270
Rate of female students 0.5054945055 0.4900662252 0.504587156
# Foreign Students 0 0 0 0
Rate of foreign students 0 0 0 0
Percentage of occupied study places (Jmlh mhs tahun pertama) 96.36% 82.73% 109.82% 99.09%
# Graduates (jlh Mhs lulus) 371 356 398 487
f 190 177 201 245
m 181 179 197 242
Success rate (students who finished their studies) 70.00% 78.24% 65.89% 89.36%
Dropout rate (students who dropped their studies) 2.26% 4.18% 11.26% 11.01%
Average duration of study 4.6 4.4 4.7 4.4
Average grade of final degree 3.38 3.41 3.37 3.47