• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

Raynor Creative Successfully Conducted "Semarak Bambu" Event at Boon Pring

Photo by wartacakrawala.com

Boon Pring Andeman ecotourism is one of the ecotourisms managed by BUMDES/Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Village-Owned Enterprise), namely Kerto Raharjo Sanankerto Village. In 2017, Boon Pring officially became ecotourism with the theme of environmentally friendly educational tourism by prioritizing aspect of nature conservation.

The “Semarak Bambu” event which was held on July 29, 2022 was created to highlight the educational side of tourism. The series of “Semarak Bambu” event include the Pekan Dolanan Bambu (Bamboo Playing Week) which is a traditional bamboo game competition. 

More information can be accessed here.
