• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

Student Financing

Financing in the Communication Science Study Programme is adjusted to university regulations. The university provides information regarding the complete payment procedure through the Student Finance Manual, which can be accessed online at https://keuangan.umm.ac.id.

Basically, the funding is divided into the DPP (Full Enrollment Fee) which is paid once during the study in the university (can be paid in 6 instalments), and SPP (Tuition Fee), which is paid every semester. In addition, students must also make a her-registration payment every semester on the condition that students are active and can plan their next courses in the following semester, as well as other financings such as student development and students’ English development. When a student has not graduated and is in the ninth semester, the tuition fee is paid 25% of the eight-semester tuition fee. Complete information along with the flow related to financing can be accessed directly by students; here is how to calculate the cost of studying for four years and after at the following link https://keuangan.umm.ac.id. Parents can also access the amount of student financial billing information through MyUMMParent application. Meanwhile, students can also check financial bills through MyUMMStudent.
