• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

Selection Procedure

In the selection process, UMM offers several paths, two of which are the regular and the achievement path. The prospective students who register through the regular path will be selected based on an admission test; a psychology test, and an academic potential test. Those who successfully meet the passing grades or even exceed the score will be accepted as students. Meanwhile, those who register via the achievement path have to fulfil the selection procedure as follows:

  1. For the academic achievement path, applicants must upload semester I - V report cards with an average score of at least 80
  2. For the non-academic achievement/interest talent path, applicants must upload the certificates of achievement award.

The selection process is carried out online and the results will be announced no later than a week after the test and uploading of all requirement documents processes. The results of the test will be emailed and it can be accessed by the applicants via the website.
