• v1komunikasi.umm.ac.id

Admission Requirements

To apply for any programme at any level at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), an applicant must comply with the University’s general admission requirements which are available on the website of the Bureau of New Student Admission through https://pmb.umm.ac.id.

The requirements for admission refer to the Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture (PERMENDIKBUD) No. 6/2020 and Chancellor’s Regulation on New Students Admission Guidelines No. 04/UMM/IX/2021, where prospective students have been declared to have graduated from high school or its equivalent. The admission at UMM demonstrates the principle of fairness without distinction of religion, ethnicity, race, gender, social or economic position, and physical condition by taking into account the potential and achievements of prospective students. This diversity is expected to be able to produce graduates with various demographic backgrounds with the aim of having an educational impact on their respective cultures.

UMM has several admission paths; two of them are the regular path and the achievement path. For the regular applicant, they must fulfill a set of admission requirements to join the programme as follows:

1. Showing high school certificate

2. Presenting a report card or graduation certificate from the school of origin

3. Paying the university registration fee

4. Registering online through the UMM Bureau of New Student Admission website or

  UMM Bureau of New Student Admission application (Android)

5. Showing the results of medical tests from UMM Hospital

6. Passing the online admission test (psychology test and academic potential test)


Meanwhile, the achievement path applicants must meet the requirements above (except point 6) plus special requirements, namely:

1. For the academic achievement path, the applicants must show high school report cards for semesters I-V with an average score of at least 80

2. For non-academic achievement/interest talent path, the applicants must show a certificate of achievement obtained during high school at the local, regional, or international levels.
