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Counselling of Applicants

Counselling for prospective students is a priority at UMM. Applicants can come directly to a student counselling service, Guidance and Counseling Technical Service Unit (UPT-BK), or to other help desks at UMM (the Bureau of New Student Admission or Public Relations Office), for clarification of specific questions, personal aptitude, career perspectives etc. Personal dialogue between applicants and UMM is provided by telephone, e-mail or direct messages to UMM social media and hotlines during the specified working hours. UMM ensures consistent availability for prospective students and fast response to incoming inquiries. The counselling options are based on the target group’s needs.

Counselling services for prospective students are also provided through the Bureau of New Student Admission's talent and interest search employing an interest aptitude test service which can be accessed free of charge via https://pmb.umm.ac.id/id/pages/tes-bakat-dan-minat.html. UMM Bureau of New Student Admission also cooperates with the Counseling Guidance of high schools in almost all regions of Indonesia to identify the talents and interests of their students. In addition, at higher education exhibition events, the UMM Bureau of New Student Admission often participates in it by providing information, consultation, and counselling services for prospective students, parents, and school authorities.

Important Link:

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