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Welcome New Era of Head Study Program 2021-2025

Saturday, December 04, 2021 05:17 WIB

Saturday (4/12) FISIP handed over positions to the heads of study programs in FISIP UMM. There are several formations that have changed, there is also the formation of the head of study program department that remains. Government Science Study Program and Social Welfare Study Program, are still in their previous formation. International Relations Study Program and Communication Studies Study Program because they have a fairly large student body, finally have a Head of Study Program who is each accompanied by two Study Program Secretaries. The Head of International Relations Study Program is held by M. Syaprin Zahidi, M.A, accompanied by Najamuddin Khairur Rijal, M.Hub Int as Secretary of Study Program I and Shannaz Mutiara Deniar as Secretary of Study Program II. The Communication Studies Study Program has also experienced a change in its leadership format. Nasrullah, M.Si served as the head of the Communication Sciences study program accompanied by Jamroji, M.Comms as secretary of study program I and Isnani Dzuhrina, M.Adv as secretary of study program II.


Over the next four years, the Head of Study Programs and Secretaries of Study Programs will face the new University milestone target, which is to meet international accreditation in 2023-2026. “For this reason, we will draw up a Strategic Plan with new KPIs with an emphasis on internationalization of faculties and study programs. For that, please start reading the document, from the Statute-RIP-Renstra-Renop. It is the responsibility of study programs to prepare operational plans, while UPPS or faculties will prepare strategic plans and renop. For this reason, it is requested to immediately close the ranks so that the operational plan of the study program is immediately realized by adjusting the strategic plan and renop of UPPS. In leading, improvisation and intuition are important but we must continue to work based on documents,” said the Dean of FISIP UMM, Muslimin Machmud, Ph.D in his acceptance speech.


After being inaugurated by the dean, the work of the heads of study programs and secretaries was waiting. The Center of Excellent (CoE) program initiated by FISIP UMM also needs to be realized immediately at the study program level. The Dean conveyed the steps that must be taken in executing this COE. “To realize CoE through the form that we operate as a superior school, the step is that the study program must immediately determine the timeline and determine the subject of CoE based on solutions to problems that occur in society and the market. Then we need to look for partners both internally and externally and make joint commitments with partners, forming an MoU, MoA, or SPK. This excellent school can later be utilized by our students or representatives from partners or who are indeed targeted as CoE targets. Only then will we organize curriculum workshops by involving partners,” explained the dean. The head of study programs and secretaries for the solemn period of 2021-2025 must continue the previous struggle, especially in terms of laboratory management. “Ladies and gentlemen are welcome to control the lab and work together to support student skills. The lab must bring the vision of the study program, the profile of the study program graduates, and the CPL of the study program. Because the lab is a sub-system of our faculty".
